Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I WON !!! I WON !!! Goodness Gracious, I WON !!!

My lightning photo has won one of the four places in the competition I have been seeking votes on for the past couple of weeks!!!

Scott Bourne made the announcement on his blog this evening.


I'm so stinkin' excited.

Okay, now that I am home from work and can focus a bit more on this, I have just rented two lenses to take on the trip, purchased my plane ticket, started to research a new tripod head, thinking of what I will need to pack for clothes and generally just tried to keep my feet on the ground.

Some have asked me what I have won. Here goes:

1 Firewire Drobo (A hard drive system) - approximate value $500
1 Lensbaby gift certificate (Very cool lens) - approximate value $350
1 Premium subscription to lynda.com value $375 (Teaching, teaching, teaching)
1 set of all current Peachpit Press Photo-related books - approximate value $500 (Oogle at other people's works of art.)
1 ThinkTank 360 Photo Bag - approximate value $350
1 Apple Aperture 2.1 - approximate value $200
1 Lifetime Pro Membership to Photrade - approximate value $500

The collective works of the photographers involved will be included in a new book published by Peachpit Press, with some proceeds going to a photographic charity.

AND the one prize that I am REALLY excited about:

A trip to Yosemite National Park to receive one-on-one training from a professional photographer and training on the software "Aperture".

I really want to thank those of you who placed a vote for me. You helped kept my photo up front where the judges could see it. You blessed me tremendously!!!


familygregg said...

Me TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm EXCITED TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A Musing Mom said...
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Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for you, Kimberly. I love your blog and your photos. You are an incredible woman. Thank you for inspiring me.
K. Bubar

Kimberly said...

(Blush) Thanks. My promise holds true from my comment on Dawn's blog. When I return, I'm more than happy to sit down with a couple of people and let them pick my brain. I'm no expert, but I'd love to help if I can. NO CHARGE!! :-)

Seven's Heaven said...

Count me in on the brain picking! Congratulations!!!!! And the video in the program tonight was amazing. Blessings, Susan Tuten

Kimberly said...

Okay, if I'm going to do this I want to make sure I have the answers to your questions.

So, email me, or come up and ask me some questions about photography.

Sean's Ladies said...

YAY!! Congrats!!!!!!!

no specific questions.....maybe how do you use manual setting while shooting 3 active little girls. LOL.